Introducing Follower Insights For Instagram

Instagram Follower Insights - Keyhole
Instagram Follower Insights – Keyhole

Instagram is consistently lauded as the top destination for discovering new and exciting content. But it when it comes to gaining meaningful insight into the why of successful, viral posts, many users may sometimes feel lost in the shuffle (or is that swipe?)

But fear not! We’re exciting to announce a new feature for Instagram called Follower Insights.

Available now.

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Influencer Marketing 101 – How To Find The Right Influencers

Influencer Marketing is a form of marketing where the focus is placed on key individuals who can influence the buying decisions of the target market. 

A 2010 study by the McKinsey Quarterly team found that “
marketing-induced consumer-to-consumer word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising.” This positive impact seems to be lasting – the same study found that customers acquired through word-of-mouth had a 37 percent higher retention rate.

Although this study focused on word-of-mouth marketing, there are many parallels between influencer marketing and word of mouth. Your brand’s advocates review and promote the products or services you offer, which becomes a form of a direct recommendation.

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How to Create And Run A Successful Twitter Chat [Madalyn Sklar Interview]

Madalyn Sklar has run Twitter chats for more than five years, using them to help grow into a marketing thought leader.

A coach and consultant for businesses looking to strengthen their presences on social media, she’s lectured at schools and spoken at events such as South by Southwest (SXSW) and Social Media Marketing World (SMMW).

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How To Build And Market Brands From The Ground Up [Ed Leake Interview]

He started his digital agency as a home business and, in five years, evolved it into a staffed marketing firm that has a collection of partners with annual revenues of at least £1 million.

The managing director of Midas Media, Ed Leake has a clear goal when working with these companies: Ensuring they too see rapid growth.

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How To Develop a Hands-On Social Media Approach [Keri Jaehnig Interview]

After more than 14 years in international education, Keri Jaehnig took her passions for communication and relationship building to the digital sphere.

The CMO and founder of Idea Girl Media in Ohio, she’s launched social media campaigns ranging from local to international levels. While Business Insider has quoted her, Forbes and Search Engine People feature her work.

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How To Build, Run And Grow A Successful Company Blog [Douglas Karr Interview]

Search for “Marketing Technology” and Douglas Karr’s blog will likely be the first Google result.

Writing about online marketing services and strategies since 1999, he used his expertise to write Corporate Blogging for Dummies – a 400-page instructional book – 11 years later. According to Scott Chow from The Blog Starter, Douglas Kerr is an authority in this space and his book covers everything from choosing a platform to the legalities of publishing original content.

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How To Communicate And Leverage Web And Social Media Analytics [Lee Odden Interview]

It’s a claim almost every digital marketer wishes they could make: Writing the book on how to integrate SEO, social media and content marketing strategies.

After Optimize was published in 2012, Lee Odden can say he was first to the finish.

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How To Measure Your Content Marketing Strategy [Michael Brenner Interview]

Between running a marketing firm, giving speeches and delivering workshops, Michael Brenner still finds time to answer questions and give advice about the content marketing craft.

Before founding the Marketing Insider Group in 2015, he was software company SAP’s first head of content marketing and built an award-winning program that continues today.

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