Competitive Analysis & Benchmarking

Know what's needed to beat your fellow competitors

Keyhole’s Competitor Analysis & Benchmarking fills in the gap by providing exclusive industry-specific insights. Keep a tab on real-time metrics to measure your performance.

Take decisive steps after comparing your social media efforts to your competitors, and learn how to outdo them.

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Competitive Analysis & Benchmarking Tool

Brands that use competitive analysis for success

(And their secret is Keyhole!)

Consensys - Keyhole competitor analysis and benchmarking clients
and Influencer Analytics
Competitor Analysis & Benchmarking Clients USTA Logo
Social Media Competitor Analysis & Benchmarking - University of South Carolina - Client Logos

Try benchmarking to make the winning moves

Stack yourself against competitors with Profile Analytics to get a glimpse of your industry performance metrics.

Use specific metrics – such as engagement, reach, or share of voice – to give you actionable performance insights next to top industry players.

Set strategic goals using an accurate industry baseline and analyze your major competitors’ accounts with yours. 

Measure Performance

Dive deeper with social media competitor analysis

Keyhole’s social monitoring features will allow you to study your competitors’ campaigns, influencers, and social media strategies.


Understand your competitors’ strategy by tracking social media metrics to identify their strengths & weaknesses and turn them into favorable opportunities.


Use social listening to collect all posts that mention your competitors and their campaigns. Hop on to relevant conversations and put your brand before potential leads before your competitor. 

Competitive Analysis

Attract more leads than your competition

Respond quickly when prospects mention your competitors brand with social listening. Engage them with relevant and valuable offerings before your competitor.

Use brand monitoring to see how your audience engages with your content (and your competitors’) and optimize your strategies to get better results.

Use sentiment analysis to understand how audiences really feel about other brands in your industry. Use these valuable insights to make tactical decisions about your product and marketing.

Sentiment analysis

How the US Tennis Association uses Competitive Benchmarking to inform their strategy

USTA Keyhole Media and Entertainment
Bottlerock Napa - Keyhole Industry Tracking

See how BottleRock Napa Valley uses Keyhole to identify trends and quantify them

Enterprise Solutions Available for Competitive Analysis

Unlock Your Keyhole Type

Discover and track the most internet’s most influential influencers.

Instantly discover how people feel about your brand & competitors.

Real-time actionable data lets you capture and amplify your event.

Save precious hours with tools built to monitor and analyze campaigns.

Know what people say about you. Uncover key trends & conversations.

Learn More About Benchmarking & Competitive Analysis

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