Hashtag Analytics Tool for eSports

Get data beyond Twitch and sign more sponsors!

Keyhole tracks your events, tournaments, gaming talents and influencers. Then report your metrics to your sponsors and grow your partnerships and revenue.

No credit card required


Our eSport Customers

Track your Tournament Hashtag

Get all metrics around your event and your gaming talents!

Collect your Reach, Impressions and Engagement to impress your Sponsors.

By the way, do you know who speaks about your Sponsors? We do!

Track Hashtags

Accurate Reports to Impress your Sponsors

2-min ready to send PDF reports which will make a difference!

When you need to prove your impact, we have you covered with custom reporting that matches what your sponsors want to see from you.

Fast Reports PDF Hashtag Tracking

Capture Data Beyond Twitch

Track your mentions from the main social media platforms and complement data you get from Twitch.

Save yourselves hours of manual input and multiple spreadsheets.

Stop doing manual work

Find New Players & New Sponsors

You’ll always need new talents on your Team.

And look for new sponsors that other players are talking about.

Find new influencers