10 Brutal Trend & Campaign Hashtag Fails By Big Brands [+ Lessons To Learn From Them]

Many marketers and community managers shape their social media tactics by looking at case studies of successful strategies.

But isn’t learning what not to do just as beneficial? John Dewey, an American philosopher and educational reformer, taught that learning from mistakes and successes were equally important.

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When TV And Social Meet: How 3 Companies Successfully Used Hashtags In Commercials

Hashtags don’t just belong on social media.

It’s not strange to see a commercial use a hashtag to stir conversation on Twitter and Instagram. Whether on TV or websites, brands in different industries are sharing their tagged topics to drive social media engagement.

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How To Communicate And Leverage Web And Social Media Analytics [Lee Odden Interview]

It’s a claim almost every digital marketer wishes they could make: Writing the book on how to integrate SEO, social media and content marketing strategies.

After Optimize was published in 2012, Lee Odden can say he was first to the finish.

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3 Ways To Use Social Media To Amplify Events

Think of the last time you were at an event. How many selfies, photo booths, hashtag prize campaigns were there?

If it was a big enough event, it probably had a live-feed of an aggregated social media posts on a wall, their event hashtag plastered all over the wall blaring “hashtag me! hashtag me!”

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