hashtag performance

The Marketer’s Guide to Writing Attention-Commanding Headlines [with Examples and Formulae!]

Writing marketing headlines that are clickable and catch consumer eyes is a challenge for both new and veteran marketers.

There are artistic and scientific elements to writing effective ones, meaning there’s an in-depth process to study and understand.

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Social Listening

10 Mistakes In Your Visual Content Strategy [+ Tools To Fix Them!]

Even if your team has a talented graphic designer and skilled digital strategists, crafting and sharing visual content on social media is a tricky process.

Most teams have run into the same difficulties. Images and videos may not generate the type of engagement you’re after. Followers may even miss your intended message.

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Social listening for crisis management

How To Run A Twitter Influencer Campaign

A quick browse through your Twitter feed will show that people don’t always flock to companies for information about their products and services. Instead, they’re seeking influencers – popular, personable and independent content creators who aren’t afraid to share opinions on social media.

And the statistics paint a clear picture why.

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4 Critical Global Social Media Marketing Execution Tips

McDonald’s has almost 70 million followers across all countries, regions, and platforms, 7,748 brand posts in 30 days, an active audience of 1.4 million, and 104.8 million impressions on Social Media.

How do you manage this?

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Everything You Need To Know About Social Media Monitoring

4 Easy Tweaks To Boost Your E-Mail Marketing

How many times do you check your email everyday?

A study done by the University of British Columbia shows that on average we check our emails 15 times a day.

One of the most effective forms of direct marketing is, without a doubt, email marketing.  According to statistics from the State of Marketing, 93% of B2B marketers use email marketing. It has, indeed, become the most critical element of the marketing mix.

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Social Media Benchmarking

3 Ways To Use Social Media To Amplify Events

Think of the last time you were at an event. How many selfies, photo booths, hashtag prize campaigns were there?

If it was a big enough event, it probably had a live-feed of an aggregated social media posts on a wall, their event hashtag plastered all over the wall blaring “hashtag me! hashtag me!”

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