Marketing Report Essentials: How To Create Perfect Reports And Impress Clients

Using Popular Hashtags To Grow Your Business

Do you use hashtags — catchy, attention-grabbing conversation anchors that people want to be associated with? If not, you can learn how here. Hashtag 101– If you already know what hashtags are, skip this part and proceed to advanced hashtag uses below. How hashtags work: When you use a #hashtag, you are adding your post … Read more

how to spark brand mentions on social media

How To Spark Brand Mentions On Social Media

Brand mentions on social media can drive significant results for your business. 58% of consumers follow brands through social media. Imagine your brand getting mentioned by tens, hundreds, or even thousands of people. Or getting lots of replies from potential buyers to your social media posts. It’s possible. People go to social media to talk … Read more

10 trend campaign hashtag fails by big brands lessons

10 Brutal Trend & Campaign Hashtag Fails By Big Brands [+ Lessons To Learn From Them]

Many marketers and community managers shape their social media tactics by looking at case studies of successful strategies.

But isn’t learning what not to do just as beneficial? John Dewey, an American philosopher and educational reformer, taught that learning from mistakes and successes were equally important.

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Social Media Benchmarking

3 Ways To Use Social Media To Amplify Events

Think of the last time you were at an event. How many selfies, photo booths, hashtag prize campaigns were there?

If it was a big enough event, it probably had a live-feed of an aggregated social media posts on a wall, their event hashtag plastered all over the wall blaring “hashtag me! hashtag me!”

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