Super Easy 5-Step Twitter Growth Hack Strategy That Top Marketers Use
I had wasted hours of my time and effort before I realized something:
10 Emotional Moments Only Twitter Marketers Will Understand
If you’re a Social Media Manager or a Twitter Marketer, you’ll sympathize with this list!
Does checking your company Twitter at 11 p.m. on a Friday while your friends are chugging beer ring a bell? What about getting a heart attack when you spot a spelling mistake on one of the visuals, or when you missed out an important Influencer mentioning your brand at 3:40 a.m. because it was 2 p.m. in their timezone? We feel you.
How Coke Generated $100,000 Worth Of Free Twitter Impressions In 1 day
Coca-Cola recently teamed up with Twitter in an attempt to break a world record by getting as many people as possible to use the #ShareaCoke hashtag. Using the hashtag displayed an emoji called a ‘hashflag.’ It’s the first time Twitter has built a custom emoji for a global advertising partner.
Breaking records are nice but what business impact, if any, did the campaign have for Coke?
Optimize Your Twitter Profile To Improve Visibility
In this blog post, I’ll dissect different parts of the Twitter profile and give you a rundown on how to optimize your Twitter profile to boost exposure.
How Quartz Doubled Their Email Sign-ups In 47 Days By Changing Only 2 Things
Quartz’s Daily Brief, an e-newspaper that inboxes you their most popular news articles from around the world, doubled their email signups in only 47 days simply by making 2 changes in their email signup system. You can read the original in paragraph form here.
What Social Media Means To 30 Digital Marketers In 3 Words Or Less
What does Social Media mean to you? Social Media is a mega-trend, must-do for all marketers and non-marketers around the world, but how it’s perceived and used is different for each person and each brand.
Mustafa Akkoc asked on the Social Media Marketing forum on Linkedin – What is the meaning of Social Media to you in one or two words? Here are the 30 answers that stood out. Which ones are your favorite?
Meerkat Vs Periscope: Periscope Has 3X More Influencers, 39% More Repeat Usage Vs Meerkat [STUDY]
A lot has been written about Meerkat vs Periscope so far, but most posts have relied on cursory data and anecdotes.
Facebook API Changes And Access To Data
As users know, Facebook’s API has provided limited access to their data. In most cases, majority of posts aren’t returned to trackers. This issue has affected all social analytics tools that use V1.0 of the API.