Social Media Benchmarking

3 Ways To Use Social Media To Amplify Events

Think of the last time you were at an event. How many selfies, photo booths, hashtag prize campaigns were there?

If it was a big enough event, it probably had a live-feed of an aggregated social media posts on a wall, their event hashtag plastered all over the wall blaring “hashtag me! hashtag me!”

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Social listening for crisis management

The Only Twitter Chat Guide You Need To Read

The first time you attend a dinner party can be very nerve wrecking. Should I bring anything? Where should I sit? What if I don’t like the food? Is it polite to ask for seconds?

This experience is similar to someone attending your Twitter chat for the first time. Like any other host, you want to make sure that your guests feel prepared, welcomed, and relaxed.

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Genz slangs

Top 5 Snapchat Campaigns By Innovative Brands

Gone are the days when Snapchats were only flirty, semi-nude pics. Snapchat, the black sheep of the social media family, is now being picked up and experimented by brands all over the world.

Snapchat has over 100 million daily users that send 400 million snaps every day – it’s not a surprise that companies are desperate to tap into Snapchat’s user-base. According to Sumpto’s study, 77% of college students use Snapchat daily! If your brand’s target audience is the younger audience, Snapchat is a platform worth considering. 

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Why Influencer Marketing With Social Media Celebrities Is The Hottest Trend In Luxury Fashion Marketing

Essena O’Neill, an 18-year-old Australian fashion blogger with half a million followers on Instagram, 200,000 on YouTube and Tumblr, and 60,000 on Snapchat, surprised many of her fans when she recently announced she’s quitting social media. Her Instagram account is now private and her bio reads:

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5 Digital Marketing Basics You Should Be Reviewing Constantly With Killer Tools To Help You Out

New digital ad platforms are released every day, new changes and add-ons to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are created constantly, Google changes its algorithm 500-600 times each year – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

It’s easy to get carried away trying out the newest platforms and ‘hacks’ that you lose track of things that are actually important. So as a modern day marketer, how do we keep on top of all these changes?

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social media monitoring tools

6 Cognitive Biases You Can Use To Boost Social Media Marketing

There are 500 million tweets tweeted, 55 million facebook status updates, and more than 40 million post uploads on Instagram every day. How would you differentiate your company from the crowd and leverage psychology to get overwhelmed readers to focus on you?

Cognitive biases  are simply the irrational behaviors we exhibit even when we believe our decisions are logical.

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7 Experts On Using Social Media To Boost Sales

Social Media is like going on a diet. It’s difficult to get results; it takes endurance, and it’s frustrating. Fast, quick weight losses will always get you nowhere. Likewise, for Social Media to generate any revenue, you need to strategize and be patient.

Out of all the struggles Social Media Marketers face, boosting sales which ultimately justifies the need for an increased budget, is their biggest pain-point. Here, 7 Social Media experts share their tips on Social Media Marketing to boost sales & advice on how to measure your success.

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