Social listening for crisis management

How To Run A Twitter Influencer Campaign

A quick browse through your Twitter feed will show that people don’t always flock to companies for information about their products and services. Instead, they’re seeking influencers – popular, personable and independent content creators who aren’t afraid to share opinions on social media.

And the statistics paint a clear picture why.

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Social listening for crisis management

10 Emotional Moments Only Twitter Marketers Will Understand

If you’re a Social Media Manager or a Twitter Marketer, you’ll sympathize with this list!

Does checking your company Twitter at 11 p.m. on a Friday while your friends are chugging beer ring a bell? What about getting a heart attack when you spot a spelling mistake on one of the visuals, or when you missed out an important Influencer mentioning your brand at 3:40 a.m. because it was 2 p.m. in their timezone? We feel you.

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How Coke Generated $100,000 Worth Of Free Twitter Impressions In 1 day

Coca-Cola recently teamed up with Twitter in an attempt to break a world record by getting as many people as possible to use the #ShareaCoke hashtag. Using the hashtag displayed an emoji called a ‘hashflag.’ It’s the first time Twitter has built a custom emoji for a global advertising partner.

Breaking records are nice but what business impact, if any, did the campaign have for Coke?

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