Following last week’s bombshell news that Snapchat turned down a $3B offer from Facebook, Ben Thompson just wrote a brilliant post on his blog about the different social networks out there and how each fits a different purpose for users. Here are 2 excerpts from his post:
3 Great Marketing Lessons From Dan Ariely — Understanding The Irrational Customer
Some excerpts from this great interview with Dan Ariely:
What is one of the most surprising findings from your research?
One of them is something we called “coherent arbitrariness.” … If you get somebody to behave in a certain way one time, you’re not just influencing them that once, but you can actually go on to influence a long sequence of decisions.
How NOT To Provide Customer Support On Twitter
In case you didn’t see this earlier, here’s a mind-numbing exchange between Verizon and one of its customers on Twitter:
PR Daily: 10 Top Tools For PR Measurement #Keyhole
PR Daily: 10 top tools for PR measurement #Keyhole
Every PR pro needs something just a little different from what their colleagues need. Odds are good that you’ll need a mix of tools. With that in mind, here is a list of tools that can help with your specific measurement requirements…