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6 Ways To Get More Instagram Likes – It’s Easier Than You Think

Instagram has exploded since its inception in 2010.  With over 150,000,000 active users, the image sharing application is easily considered one of the top social media tools in 2014.  Over 55 million photos are shared each day.  It’s important to know which types of photos engage your audience so that you can harness the power of Instagram and stand out from the crowd — the difference is night and day! (Hah)

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Media Monitoring 101: What It Is And How It Works[Tools Included]

3 Great Marketing Lessons From Dan Ariely — Understanding The Irrational Customer

Some excerpts from this great interview with Dan Ariely:

What is one of the most surprising findings from your research?

One of them is something we called “coherent arbitrariness.” … If you get somebody to behave in a certain way one time, you’re not just influencing them that once, but you can actually go on to influence a long sequence of decisions.

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