How To Quickly Measure Social Media Reach In 2024

How To Quickly Measure Social Media Reach In 2024

Did you know that in 2022, the average person spent approximately two and a half hours a day on social media apps?  Social media now also accounts for 38% of the world’s total daily online time. With so many eyes glued to their screens, it’s more important than ever to accurately measure your social media … Read more

How To Master Brand Sentiment Analysis – Beginner’s Edition

How To Master Brand Sentiment Analysis – Beginner’s Edition

What people think and feel about your company, products, and services is your brand sentiment.  In the absence of magical powers that can help you see into customers’ minds, brand sentiment allows you to dig deep into the mentions and messages that your brand receives to discover the underlying emotions that are being expressed. Evaluating … Read more

Top Social Media KPIs To Track

Top Social Media KPIs To Track In 2024

It’s getting easier and easier to get data; therefore, you should rarely rely on your ‘gut’ to make critical marketing decisions concerning your social media strategy that could potentially impact your business.  Social media marketing has become increasingly popular in the last few years. However, with tons of KPIs available, it could be hard to … Read more

How To Use Competitive Benchmarking To Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

How To Use Competitive Benchmarking To Boost Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Are your results in social media the bare minimum, or should you be reaping enough? Well, it doesn’t help to be delusional.  If you aspire for Kylie Jenner-like follower growth for your brand, you are probably still hurting your expectations. The best way to analyze if you are heading in the right direction is by … Read more

How To Use Competitor Analysis To Identify New Marketing Opportunities

How To Use Competitor Analysis To Identify New Marketing Opportunities

Did you hit the plateau of customer acquisition? If you are nodding your head in anticipation, know you are not alone.  Oftentimes, you see a handful of players dominating a particular industry despite having so many brands offering the same thing. This is because the top players have an edge in introducing newer add-ons to … Read more

15 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Social Media Analytics & Reporting Tools [Expert Edition]

15 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Social Media Analytics & Reporting Tools [Expert Edition]

I bet you will agree that tracking multiple campaigns on different social media platforms is tough. You need to stab each strategy and monitor their efficacies.  Imagine the wrath of your client if you fail to respond to the ROI figures from the last fall campaign. Being a marketer, you can’t afford to play sneaky. … Read more

9 Steps To Solid Brand Awareness Strategy[2024]

9 Steps To Solid Brand Awareness Strategy[2024]

“A brand is a name a company uses to represent a specific product or business for marketing purposes.” Promoting your business with a brand identity helps you to attract customers more conveniently. You must plan and execute a proper strategy to succeed in your brand awareness goals. This article will guide you through nine tried … Read more

How To Measure Social Media Engagement Rate: A Complete Guide

How To Measure Social Media Engagement Rate: A Complete Guide

Now that 75% of people use social media channels as product research tools, you need to reinforce your brand presence.  More so, each of these people spends 2 hours and 25 minutes of their time on these platforms every day. But, how many minutes of your audience’s time goes to you? This is why you … Read more

What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important_

What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important?

Do you know your social media efforts are hiding a wealth of information? And if you know how to analyze your social media, you can unearth this data. But how does it help, you may ask? For starters, social media data help you understand your audience, pinpoint well-performing strategies, and weed out the incompetent ones. … Read more