2024’s Top 13 Hashtag Analytics Tools [Paid + Free]

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In a world with an overflow of information, setting up social media marketing can be just the beginning of a complex process.

It involves consistently monitoring and evaluating your audience’s needs and preferences. Then, adjust your efforts according to the gained insights.

Hashtag analytics tracking can make this process much easier, and effective and it allows you to report your performance accurately – it’s basically a marketer’s dream.

Without the use of hashtags, monitoring and evaluating your efforts is worse than finding a needle in a haystack. Imagine if you didn’t know what a needle looks like.

Sounds challenging, doesn’t it?

Well, this process is made extremely easy with the right hashtag analytics tools.

Luckily for you, there are a bunch of tools on the market created to make things a whole lot easier for you.

We will talk about the tools that can make your social media efforts more effective a bit later in this article.

First, let’s cover the very reason these tools exist in the first place.

Hashtags and their significance

You’ve heard about hashtags, right? Of course, you have.

In fact, we bet that you’ve not only heard about them, but you use them quite often as well. They have literally changed the way we talk in the past decade.

But, whether you use them or not is not even our question: in this post, we will not talk about the “if” – we will talk about the “how.”

To learn more about the uses of hashtag analytics. Visit our Hashtag Analytics page.

By now, you might wonder what can be so complicated about #HowToUseHashtags. So we decided to dedicate a whole article to the topic- hashtag guide for beginners.

Believe us, you are in for a surprise.

Hashtags analytics and social media marketing

Hashtags are essential for creating a successful marketing campaign, as they label the content and are used to increase brand recognition.

They also empower social media users to efficiently structure data, filter out all the irrelevant information and get exposed only to the content they are interested in. So, companies can make sure that they are reaching their target audience, and not wasting their efforts.

Apart from helping you get discovered, dedicated hashtag performance can also give you a real-time overview of the user-generated content as it is shared on social media, and conversations pertaining to your brand and products.

Using hashtags is a win-win situation for both brands and audiences because it helps audiences find your content when they are looking for it, and they help you find user-generated content that pertains to your brand.

Start with generating the right hashtags, and then start to track your efforts.

The problem is that not all companies and social media users fully leverage the power of hashtags. This puts them in an unfavorable position since they are not taking advantage of the opportunity to optimize their campaigns to get better results.

However, it is important to note that these companies don’t track their marketing efforts not because they don’t want to. Rather, they don’t track because they are either not aware that they can, or they don’t know how to do it.

If your case is similar to the ones we mentioned – don’t despair; all you need to start is a detailed, comprehensive overview of the available hashtag tracking tools and the way you can use them.

Which is where we come into play.

The need for hashtag analytics tools

Occasionally, a new trend emerges in the market and creates both opportunities and issues. As a result, a need for products that will enable users to use the opportunities and give them solutions for the problems they face arises as well.

The good news is that along with the demand for solutions, the supply increases as well. So, the likeliness of finding the perfect tool for you increases.

The bad news is that, in situations when one is faced with endless options, making the right choice is much harder.

It can be confusing when every emerging tool promises you stellar results, and not many of them deliver on their promises. To help, we decided to do the hardest part of the job for you: list the most legitimate hashtag tracking tools, break down their features, and the results you can expect.

What can hashtag analytics tools do for you?

Using hashtag analytics software, you can make sense of the performance metrics for your hashtags, and how audiences react to them.

Monitoring your results in real-time allows you to discover the best practices in your industry. Allowing you to tweak the content to appeal more to your target audience, which of course, translates to better results.

Basically, the need for using hashtag analytics comes down to the following several points:

  • Discover current trends in your industry
  • Track your hashtag campaigns and analyze the audience’s engagement
  • Track the positive and negative mentions containing your hashtags (sentiment analysis), and react accordingly
  • Gain insight into the current brand awareness levels
  • Identify influencers relevant to your business as your potential brand ambassadors

Although most of the hashtag tracking tools currently available will give you these basic insights, not every tool will be suitable for your individual case.

Let’s take a brief look at the differences.

Top Hashtag Tracking & Analytics Tools

Out of the many tools available on the market, we picked the 15 hashtag analytics tools that have the best track record so far.

Let’s dig into the details!

1. Keyhole

Keyhole is the front-runner among social media analytics tools for a reason: it provides in-depth data analysis in an easy to understand manner.

It is an all-in-one solution that:

  • Tracks your campaigns’ reach and impact in real-time
  • Monitors top brands in your industry
  • Notifies you of positive and negative mentions of your brand
  • Gives you valuable consumer insights such as sentiment and demographics
  • Allows you to social listen and keep up with trends
  • Surfaces the most influential accounts and posts

All of the insights above, no matter how advanced, are presented in simple reports. So simple that everyone can understand them, regardless of their previous experience – which makes them practical and actionable.

Keyhole Reporting - Social Listening

Also, Keyhole makes the setup process so easy and intuitive that you won’t have to retrain your whole team!

Keyhole trackers can help you set your listening efforts up for success by allowing you to filter and combine search terms to get as granular as you want.

You can also aggregate hashtag tracking results for instant competitive analysis, as well as benchmarking your campaigns. Your comparisons include metrics like posts, reach, engagement and impressions. As well as the share of voice, sentiment and the top posts.

Price: Custom

2. Social Champ

Social Champ is a feature packed social media management tool that aims to optimise your workflow with powerful automations and AI features. It also has some great tools to help manage your hashtags by creating groups and it recommends the most popular hashtags as soon as you start typing one in the content composer.

Social Champ also has an extensive analytics dashboard where you can assess the performance of your social accounts, not to mention the powerful Social Inbox that lets you interact with your audiences across platforms. 

Price: FREE – $299 per month

3. Brand24

Keyhole - Top 25 Social Media Monitoring Tools - Brand24

A social media monitoring tool, Brand24 tracks and analyzes the mentions of your dedicated hashtags across various forums, websites, blogs, social media platforms, etc.

The data is gathered and presented in a comprehensible chart, which gives you a glimpse not only of the performance of your hashtags but also of the influencers that have been talking about your brand as well.

Price: $99-$499 per month

4. TweetBinder

A hashtag tracking tool for anyone who wants to analyze hashtags on Twitter and Instagram campaigns, TweetBinder provides historical and real-time data on the two platforms.

This allows you to research the users interacting with the hashtags to see their reach and overall influence. TweetBinder groups similar conversations and allows you to filter the results to gain a better perspective of the current situation.

Price: $47.79 – $403.27 per month

5. RiteTag


A hashtag monitoring tool, RiteTag allows users to check which hashtags they should use to make their content as discoverable as possible.

It shows the trending hashtags, popular accounts that use them, and evaluates the hashtags you use rating them as great, good, unused or overused. It is a simple and self-explanatory tool that anyone can use.

The only problem is that just like other low-cost and free hashtag analytics tools, it is mainly focused on showing the use frequency of a particular hashtag, rather than digging into actual analytics.

Price: $65 per month

6. Sprout Social

A well-known social listening platform, Sprout Social promises to improve communication between businesses and their customers by offering solutions related to:

  • Social media management
  • Customer Care
  • Data and Intelligence
  • Employee Advocacy

Price: $249 – $499 per month

Read More: 6 Must-Have Keyword Monitoring Tools For Every Marketing Strategy

7. Display Purposes

Hashtag analytics tools: Display Purposes

If you are looking for a hashtag tracking tool that can analyze your campaigns and produce extensive reports on the impact of your hashtags, Display Purposes is not for you (nor is any other free tool).

However, if you wish to find relevant hashtags for your photos that can bring you greater reach, then look no further.

Incredibly simple to use, Display Purposes will show you the best hashtags for your needs weighted against various factors such as location, language etc.

Also, junk and generic hashtags are filtered out, which leaves you with only those that give your photos an actual chance to be seen.

Price: $14 to $60/mo

8. Vaizle

Vaizle’s Hashtag analytics tool is a valuable resource for businesses looking to improve their social media reach and engagement. The tool enables users to analyze the performance of hashtags on Instagram and Twitter and identify the most effective ones for their brand. With Vaizle’s hashtag analytics, users can track the popularity and frequency of hashtag use, monitor engagement rates, and identify trending hashtags in real time. 

This information allows businesses to adjust their social media strategy, optimize their content, and maximize their reach and engagement with their target audience. Vaizle’s hashtag analytics tool is user-friendly, and intuitive, and provides valuable insights for businesses looking to grow their social media presence.

Price:  $29 – $299 / Month

9. Socialert


Another reliable tool that allows you to monitor your hashtags, Socialert also allows you to track keywords and accounts.

This tool gives you insight on the impact your hashtags have across different social media platforms, and find active users that you can use to spread the word about your brand. All of this information can help you find out the preferences of the public, and create more engaging posts.

Price: $24.5 per month

10. Mention

Hashtag Analytics Tools: Mention

Created to help businesses understand their online presence, Mention allows users to track brands, competitors, and/or industry topics.

The platform covers information available in over 40 different languages and exports the gathered data in segmented and understandable reports.

Aside from monitoring mentions and hashtags across various platforms, Mention also allows you to track users and their activities. This can help you find potential influencers to reach a wider audience.

Price: $49 – $179 per month

11. BrandMentions


BrandMentions is a complete Social Media Analytics tool, which can do brand monitoring, reputation management, business intelligence to competitor spying.

This tool provides you with relevant information and important metrics pertaining to your brand awareness campaigns.

Price: $99 – $499 per month

12. Pixlee

Even though Pixlee is best known as a UGC and influencer platform, it also gives insightful hashtag analytics.

Its free Instagram Analytics tool gives you weekly reports on your hashtag statistics, with analysis that extends to both your own content, and user-generated content.

It also has social listening features that allow you to monitor conversations about your brand and helps you identify influencers.

Price: Custom

13. Talkwalker

Talkwalker is a marketing tool that allows users to analyze their performance on various social media sites in real-time, follow the trends in the industry, and later optimize their performance according to this information.

The tool uses sources in 185 languages and is equipped with an automatic translation which makes it easy to follow data coming from different parts of the world.

Another useful feature is text and image recognition which allows users to get insights based on the position of their logo on social media.

Price: Starts at $9600 per year

Read More: What Is The Optimal Social Media Post Length In 2024?

Final Note

If you read the list and all the descriptions of the hashtag research tools we covered, then you probably noticed that most of them offer similar features. The difference is the details they provide and the corresponding price tag.

But, which one should you choose?

If you are an individual, who wants to increase his or her reach, then we suggest you start with the free hashtag analytics tools that mainly show you a way to get on the social media “map”.

If you are a business, on the other hand, a free, basic tool won’t do. Why?

Well, if you want to improve your performance, optimize your offerings, and improve your communication with your customers, you will have to pay for a tool that offers more features and provides more detailed reports.

Believe us, the cost will be inconsiderable when you compare it to the value that gathered insights bring to your business.

However, note that every business is different, so ultimately, no list or article could tell you with complete certainty which tool will fit your needs best. However, if you want to find “The one tool” for you, the best thing you could do is try out a couple of tools and see for yourself which one you are the most comfortable with.

So, test the waters with a couple of these tools. Afterward, you can decide if this is the one, or perhaps you’d rather find another tool to “bathe in”.

Keyhole is a real-time brand, campaign, and influencer social listening tool that provides profile and hashtag analytics for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get hashtags analytics?

You can use free hashtag analytics tools like Hashtagify, Pixlee, Tweetreach, etc. Since the insights available with free tools are pretty limited, other paid options are:
1. Keyhole
2. Brand24
3. Mention
4. Sprout Social
5. Unmetric

What is the best hashtag tracker?

Keyhole is one of the best hashtag trackers. Unlike other tools, It is pretty affordable and easy to use. Using Keyhole, get accurate campaign data from Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook with accurate hashtag tracking.

How do you know if a hashtag is viral?

You can search for a particular hashtag and know it's viral by looking at the number of posts with that specific hashtag. If more people have used it, it's a viral tag. You can alternatively use a hashtag tracking tool for research and monitoring its effect in real-time on your social media posts in terms of reach and engagement.

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