8 Growth Tactics For More Instagram Followers

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Instagram has become so much more than the photo-sharing platform it once was. With over 1.28 billion users worldwide, the platform has quickly become a home of visual content, from selfies to even life hacks.

It’s no wonder this platform is also a prominent channel for businesses and content creators to boost their brand awareness and grow a solid audience base.

The thing is, users on the platform have very attention spans and become much pickier about the account that is worth their ‘follow.’ This makes growing followers isn’t a walk in the park.

That all said, there are always tactics and hacks to catch more eyeballs on your Instagram content and encourage more people to hit the follow button.

Organic Instagram Followers: What do they mean to you?

When we talk about growing more Instagram followers, we talk about the organic ones, the real people that follow and engage with you.

We live in a digital world where everything is just becoming a reality with the help of ever-evolving technology. Now, you can even ‘buy’ Instagram followers and look like a pro on the platform.

But those massive numbers that you can get instantly don’t mean anything. It may even harm your reputation.

Growing organic Instagram followers surely isn’t an overnight success. Consistency and patients play such a significant role here.

So, is making efforts to build organic Instagram followers worth it in the first place? Let’s break down some reasons why organic Instagram followers benefit you:

1. More Reputable

Having a decent amount of organic followers makes your account look more credible and trustworthy. After all, these are the people that have taken their time to follow you on their own accord.

2. Higher Engagement Rate

Organic followers are also more likely to engage with your content as they have a genuine interest in what you post. 

This engagement rate is essential as Instagram’s algorithm pushes content with a higher engagement rate higher up on users’ feeds.

3. Greater Long-Term Benefits

Organic growth may take longer, but ultimately, it is more sustainable than any other method. These are real people that will stick with you through your ups and downs on the platform.

When people follow you organically, it means they are interested in your brand and what you have to say. They leave feedback, give suggestions, and share your content with their friends and followers, too.

All of these aspects help you connect with your target audience on a deeper level, giving you the opportunity to turn them into loyal customers in the long run.

4. Creates a Social Circle

One of the great things about having organic followers is that it helps create a social circle around your account. These are people that will help promote your content and get the word out there for you. 

Organic followers also tend to develop a sense of community around your account. They feel connected to you and your brand, which is essential for any business that wants to create a loyal customer base.

How to grow your Instagram followers

Now that we know the importance of organic Instagram followers, let’s move on and look at some tactics that will help you increase your follower count.

1. Incorporate reels into your content mix

Today, everyone is making Reels on Instagram. This TikTok-style video feature has taken the app by storm, and if you want to grow your followers on the platform, you need to be utilizing it.

While Instagram Stories are still incredibly popular, the Reels feature allows you to create longer-form video content that is more engaging and entertaining. Businesses also leverage this feature to display their animated ads.

Look how Good Dye Young, a hair dye company, constantly engages with their audiences using short videos on Reels:

It’s also a great way to show off your brand’s personality. The algorithm also favors accounts that post Reels, so it’s a great way to get your content seen by more people.

2. Run competitions and giveaways

Running competitions and giveaways are one of the most effective ways to increase your follower count on Instagram. 

This might be an old-school way, but people still–and will always– love free stuff, so if you offer them a chance to win something, they will be more likely to follow you.

When running a competition or giveaway, make sure you have a clear prize that will appeal to your target audience. It also needs to be something that is relevant to your brand.

Include relevant hashtags #Giveaway or something else along those lines to ensure that your competition is seen by people who are initially interested in entering.

To give you inspiration, here’s an example of a giveaway from Gamnetic.

3. Keep the content pipeline full

If you want to grow your followers continually on Instagram, you need to keep your content pipeline full. This means creating content regularly so that your followers have something new to consume each time they visit your profile.

The great thing about Instagram is that it’s a very visual platform, so there are loads of different types of content you can create. This could be anything from images and videos to infographics and gifs. You can even go live on the platform or utilize Instagram Stories if you want to mix things up.

Whatever type of content you create, make sure it is visually appealing and on-brand. It also needs to be something that your target audience will find interesting and engaging.

Make sure that every day you are posting something new to your profile so that your followers have a reason to keep coming back. You can use Keyhole’s Publishing feature to schedule unlimited and varied content types to your Instagram profile.

Also, you might consider posting at the right time. Here’s a study of the Best Time to Post on Instagram:

  • Monday: 5 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM
  • Tuesday: 7 AM, 8 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM
  • Wednesday: 5 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM
  • Thursday: 6 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM
  • Friday: 7 AM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM
  • Saturday: 6 AM, 8 AM, 9 AM, 10 AM
  • Sunday: 1 AM, 6 PM, 7 PM, 8 PM

4. Leverage UGC (User-Generated Content)

Leveraging UGC (user-generated content) is a great way to not only increase your follower count but also improve brand awareness and engagement rates.

UGC is any form of content that has been created by your fans or followers and then shared with you. This could be anything from images and explainer videos to testimonials and reviews.

The great thing about UGC is that it’s a form of social proof, which can help increase your conversion rates as people are more likely to buy from brands that have been recommended by their peers.

It’s also a great way to get fresh content for your feed without having to create everything yourself. You can simply repost UGC onto your profile with the appropriate hashtags and credit. Belo is an example from Bliss, who reposted a picture from one of their customers.

5. Collaborate with nano-influencers

Nano-influencers are a great way to get your content seen by more people and grow your follower count. These are typically people with between 1,000-5,000 followers who have a high engagement rate (7.2%), according to a survey conducted by Influence MarketingHub.

While they might not have as many followers as some of the bigger influencers out there, they tend to be much more engaged with their audience, which is why they can be so effective.

When working with a nano-influencer, make sure you choose someone who is relevant to your brand and has an engaged following. You don’t want to collaborate with someone whose followers are not interested in what you do.

6. Use Instagram ads

Instagram ads are a great way to get your content seen by more people and grow your follower count. They allow you to target specific demographics with your content so that you know your ad is being seen by people who are interested in what you do.

You can also use Instagram ads to promote your account and get more people to follow you. This could be anything from a simple ‘follow us’ ad to something more creative like competition or giveaway.

7. Analyze your data and insights

Analyzing your data and insights is essential if you want to grow your Instagram following. These insights will tell you things like when your followers are online, what content they engage with the most, and where they are coming from.

You can then use this information to tweak your strategy and ensure that you are posting content when your followers are online and creating content that they will find exciting and engaging. You can also rely on Instagram analytics tools for this.

8. Engage with other accounts

Engaging with other accounts is a great way to get more eyes on your own account and grow your follower count. When you engage with other people’s content, they are more likely to see your profile and follow you back.

Make sure that you are engaging with accounts that are relevant to your brand and have a similar audience to you. There is no point in engagement for the sake of it, as this will not help you grow your following. 

This also includes replying to comments, following back your followers, and liking their content.

Start growing your following base

Growing an organic Instagram following takes time, but it is definitely worth the effort. These real followers are much more likely to engage with your content and become loyal customers in the long run. 

While you focus on attracting new audiences, it’s also crucial to keep those who already clicked the follow button to stay engaged with great content.

We understand that it is insanely tough to be on your toes and track cross-platform analytics. That’s why we recommend using the all-in-one analytics tool, Keyhole. 

More than 100,000 marketers are already reaping benefits from its marketing automation. It’s your time to do so.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the most important key factor in overall Instagram marketing?

Consistency. Growing Instagram followers isn’t an overnight success. Being consistent in your growth hacks allows you to grow in audience engagement and reach in the long run. Consistency here also applies to the style and tone of your content to increase brand recognition.

2. How often should I post on Instagram?

The frequency of your posts on Instagram will depend on factors such as your target audience and the type of content you are posting. However, it is generally recommended to post at least once per day to maintain a consistent presence on the platform. You can also use Instagram's Insights to see what times your audience is most active, and plan your posting schedule accordingly.

3. Is there any way to streamline all the strategies, so they seem more doable and effortless?

You can use social media tools. There are tons of affordable social listening tools, post-scheduling tools, or in-depth analytics tools like Keyhole.

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