7 Best Tips To Grow Your YouTube Channel + Monetization Hacks

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YouTube is the biggest video marketing platform in the world, with over 2.6 billion monthly active users already on the platform. 

Accordingly, many brands and individuals are on the platform, fighting for the attention and preferences of viewers and subscribers.  

Maybe you’re trying to unlock the power of YouTube, but you’re struggling to find tactics that work and tools to help you streamline and optimize your growth. 

In this blog, we look at ideas to group your YouTube channel and the social media marketing software to supercharge that growth. 

7 Best tips to grow your YouTube channel 

Is your YouTube channel stuck at a few hundred subscribers? Are your videos not getting more than a few dozen views?

Then maybe you should try implementing these seven ideas that have delivered stellar growth to top YouTubers and business brands.

1. Create high-quality content 

This might sound like old news, but you’ll be surprised how many individuals and companies post poor-quality content and hope it goes viral. High-quality content is the core of any successful YouTube channel. 

But remember that creating quality content does not necessarily mean buying expensive production equipment or using heavy special effects. It means creating engaging, valuable, and original content that meets the needs and interests of your audience. 

Ali Abdaal made it big on YouTube by creating high-quality, insightful content that resonated with his viewers. By sharing his expertise on productivity, study techniques, and personal growth, he built a loyal following that propelled his channel to over 4.55 million subscribers and counting.

You can start with knowing your target audience and understanding what kind of content resonates with them. Understand what type of content they find valuable, and then create videos that meet those needs. Focus on quality storytelling and find ways to leave a mark on viewers after watching the video so they’re more likely to share it with others.

For example, Keyhole is a tool that offers a social media listening feature to get to know your audience better. Knowing what they’re talking about, who they are, and what they like will give you a good understanding of your audience.

2. Search engine optimize your videos

We easily forget that YouTube isn’t just a video platform. It’s also a search engine. And just like a website, your YouTube channel and videos must be optimized for search. This means using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags. 

YouTube’s algorithm uses this information to understand what your video is about and who might want to watch it. Regularly research the most current and relevant keywords to ensure that your videos are discovered by the right audience. Keyhole has real-time keyword tracking, enabling you to be ahead of relevant trends in your industry.

Virtually all marketing tactics except SEO will provide a short-lived surge in views and engagements. With search engine optimization, you’ll get consistent and quality traffic for a very long time, often lasting months or even years. 

3. Create a consistent posting schedule

Consistency is key when growing your YouTube channel for the most part. While some outliers grow a channel without a fixed schedule, a larger chunk of successful YouTube channels follow a strict posting schedule. 

Having a regular posting schedule keeps your viewers engaged and coming back for more. It also signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your channel is active and reliable, which will likely help your videos appear more frequently in recommended feeds. 

Check your YouTube analytics to see which dates your followers watch your videos most and release them on that day. With Keyhole, you can collect insights about how your channel is performing, your like-and-dislike ratio, and how engaging it is. With those data, you can save time in scheduling posts while ensuring you’ll maximize a time that gets a good engagement.

4. Engage with your community

Since YouTube is a social platform, creating a tight-knit community is crucial. Engage with your viewers by replying to comments, seeking feedback, and making content based on their suggestions.

Treat your subscribers like friends, not just fans, and connect with as many of them as possible. This builds a strong community around your channel, encouraging viewers to subscribe and return for more.

To enhance your community engagement, try Keyhole’s social listening and account optimization. Use it to understand your audience better – what they talk about and what they like. Take advantage of their account recommendations to gain more followers and convert leads. They’ll suggest the best posting times and hashtags to use, boosting your reach.

Moreover, discover your top brand advocates for potential partnerships through Keyhole’s influencer analytics feature. This way, you can get more from your influencer marketing efforts and reach a broader audience.

Combining these strategies will nurture a thriving YouTube community, foster closer connections with your audience, and see lasting growth in your online presence.

5. Form collaborations and partnerships

The old saying goes, “No man is an island.” This is also true when you’re trying to build a successful YouTube channel for your brand or business. 

Collaborating with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche can be a great way to reach a larger audience. Try to find YouTubers who are on the same journey as you or share the same topic or theme, just like Nike. 

Some of the things that you should do is get involved in guest appearances, do shout-outs, or create shared content. Collaborations can help you tap into the existing follower base of your collaborators, giving your channel greater exposure. 

One way to use a tool like Keyhole is to monitor your brand’s online presence and identify potential partners or advocates based on your social mentions, keywords, and hashtags.

6. Utilize playlists and channel layout

A cluttered YouTube channel will also be less likely to grow. You want your subscribers and viewers to have some sense of order when they’re browsing your profile for other videos to watch. Organizing your videos into playlists and customizing your channel layout can make your content more discoverable and user-friendly. 

Here’s how Cadbury has categorized each of its video under relevant playlists. This help guide viewers to more of your content they might enjoy, increasing watch time. A well-organized channel layout can showcase your best content and give new visitors a good idea of what to expect from your channel.

Keyhole is a solution that helps you determine your optimal post times, so you can schedule your posts and avoid having to juggle different platforms at the same time.

7. Expand to other platforms

Growing within the channel is important, but don’t limit your marketing efforts to YouTube alone. Leverage your presence on other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your YouTube content. 

This can help draw new audiences who may not have discovered you on YouTube and provides multiple touchpoints for your existing audience. 

You can also start a newsletter and send subscribers regular updates when posting new videos. Take the help of email newsletter software to create beautifully designed newsletters effortlessly.

Ensure that your content for other platforms is appropriate and engaging for each platform’s unique audience. 

With that, you would also need access to analytics of other platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn using Keyhole.

8 Types of YouTube tools you need to succeed

When deploying a YouTube channel, you’ll need the right tools to go with the right growth strategy. So here are some social media software examples and how they can help you grow your YouTube channel.

Video Editing Software: You’ll use video editing software to edit, arrange, and enhance video footage so that your final video can tell a more compelling story and remain snappy and engaging. Use this tool to cut, trim, and add effects, transitions, and audio to create compelling videos.

Thumbnail and Graphic Design: Graphic design tools help creators design eye-catching thumbnails, channel art, and other visuals to attract viewers and effectively convey the video’s content. When designing thumbnails, add people in them, as 72% of highly successful videos had a thumbnail with a person’s face on it.

Audio Editing Software: Audio editing tools help improve your audio quality, remove background noise, and add music or sound effects to enhance the overall video experience. With better audio, you retain people more and increase your YouTube engagement rate.

SEO and Keyword Research Tools: SEO and keyword research tools assist creators in optimizing video titles, descriptions, tags, and other metadata to improve search visibility and build organic video traffic.

Analytics and Channel Management: Analytics tools provide insights into video performance, audience demographics, watch time, and other metrics. Channel management tools help with video scheduling, community engagement, and overall channel organization.

Transcription and Subtitles: You can use transcription tools that help convert spoken content into text and provide a Youtube transcript. Also, consider generating subtitles to make videos more accessible to viewers with hearing impairments and improve search visibility.

Social Media Scheduling: These social media scheduling tools allow creators to plan and schedule promotional posts across various platforms to reach a wider audience.

Community Interaction: Social media tools in this category help creators manage and engage with their audience, respond to comments, and build a strong community around their channel.

Bonus: Monetize your videos with training

One of the most popular ways people monetize their YouTube content aside from ads is to create paid training that people can access for a fee. If you want to go this route, here’s how to start. 

1. Decide on a topic

The first step is to decide what you’re going to teach. Based on your current YouTube content, find the junction between what your audience finds valuable and what you can teach well. You can follow the ADDIE training model to create effective lesson planning in five steps: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.

Take the time to refine your lesson plan and bounce it off with a few people before you start producing the videos. Once you’re confident in your content, the next step is to record the videos. 

2. Produce your training content

When producing high-quality content for YouTube, consider extending your educational endeavors by utilizing online learning systems. These platforms offer unique monetization opportunities such as creating paid training videos or entire courses. By leveraging affordable LMS solutions, creators can effectively gate paid content while maximizing revenue streams generated from their YouTube audience.

Producing great training content is also key to having valuable training or courses. You want your videos to be the same or even better than your YouTube videos. 

Include some interactive elements to your training too, like worksheets, community chats, or live “ask me anything” sessions with you. You can also use the most popular training video software to make your videos more engaging or you can use different online course platforms to create and gate your paid content.

3. Set up training video software

To successfully create an online course and gate your paid content, you’ll need to use a learning management system. Choose an LMS that lets you upload videos, PDFs, text, and other content formats that you’ll need to teach your lessons fully.

4. Get people to enroll in your training

Once you’ve finished producing your content and uploading it into a learning management system, you’re ready to invite students for a fee. Use different tactics to promote your online course, including these strategies: 

  • Start an email newsletter
  • Post content on your social media channels
  • Create YouTube snippets from your course
  • Give insights and ideas through live streams and webinars
  • Start a blog
  • Run paid ads on channels like Facebook, Google, Instagram, or TikTok


Growing your YouTube channel is one that requires dedication, creativity, and strategic planning. Each step is a cog in the wheel, integral to the bigger picture. Success on YouTube doesn’t happen overnight.

Growing a YouTube channel requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. By implementing key tips such as creating high-quality content, optimizing titles and descriptions, engaging with the audience, collaborating with others, and promoting your channel through social media and other platforms, you can increase your chances of success.

And if you stay on track and maintain patience and persistence, you’ll build a solid foundation for growth and success on the platform. That can only happen if you put in efforts and track it too.

If you’re ready to unlock these crucial insights, you can book a demo with us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I increase the growth of my YouTube channel?

To accelerate the growth of your YouTube channel, focus on creating high-quality content tailored to your target audience, optimize videos with relevant keywords for search engine visibility, maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep viewers engaged, interact with your community through comments and user-driven content, collaborate with influencers for broader exposure, organize content with playlists, and promote your channel on other social media platforms to attract new audiences.

2. How can I create high-quality content for my YouTube channel?

Creating high-quality content involves understanding your target audience's interests and needs. Start by researching what kind of content they find valuable and engaging. Use storytelling techniques to leave a lasting impression on your viewers.

You don't necessarily need expensive production equipment; focus on delivering valuable and original content. Authenticity, value, and engaging storytelling are key elements of high-quality videos.

3. How do I deal with low engagement and viewership on my YouTube channel?

To address low engagement and viewership on your YouTube channel, review your content strategy to ensure relevance and value to your target audience, optimize video elements with relevant keywords, actively engage with your viewers through comments and interactions, and collaborate with other creators to tap into their audience for increased exposure.

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