8 Measurement Strategies For Social Media Managers In 2024

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Social media is constantly evolving, making it challenging to keep up with the latest analytics and metrics worth tracking. 

In the past, simply counting likes and shares was enough, but this is no longer the case. As a social media manager, it’s easy to lose sleep over knowing what data is truly important. 

This blog post aims to help you understand how to measure social media success in 2024. We’ll provide you with the latest strategies and insights so you can make data-driven decisions that will lead to successful social media campaigns.

Let’s dive in. 

1. Go beyond vanity metrics

In 2024, social media success goes beyond vanity metrics like likes and shares. 

It’s time to shift focus to measuring the true impact of your efforts on business goals. While engagement metrics remain important, prioritize key performance indicators (KPIs) directly tied to your objectives.

Keyhole performance tracking

Tailor your measurement strategy to your goals. Here are a few simple examples: 

  • Conversions and return on investment (ROI): Tie your social media strategy to increased sales, sign-ups, or desired actions to demonstrate its value.
  • Lead generation: Focus on click-through rates, website traffic, and form submissions.
  • Engagement rate: Monitor comments, shares, replies, and message responses.
  • Brand awareness: Track mentions, sentiment analysis, and reach.

Likes are great, but conversions are the ultimate win. Embrace a data-driven decision to social media measurement in 2024 and showcase the tangible results you deliver for your business.

2. Align measurement with business objectives

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals are crucial for ensuring your efforts align with business objectives. 

For example, a travel agency aiming for increased bookings might set a SMART goal like “Generate 25% more website visits driven by social media within Q1 2024.”

But remember that different industries prioritize different metrics. An eCommerce brand might track conversion rates, while a B2B company might focus on lead generation. 

Still not sure what metrics to track for your specific business? Take a peek at a few business plan examples from your industry to help lead you down the right path. 

Every business plan should have a dedicated section that outlines the strategies and key performance indicators (KPIs) for an organization’s marketing efforts. 

Once you’ve rounded up some common industry metrics, integrate these measurement strategies into your own business plan. Doing so can help you align your social media goals with broader business objectives, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive approach to online presence and marketing efforts. 

Remember, not all followers are equal. Prioritize social media KPIs (key performance indicators) based on their impact and your available resources. 

Closely track metrics that directly influence your business goals and allocate resources to initiatives with the highest potential return on investment (ROI).

3. Embrace multi-platform analytics 

Dashboard in Keyhole

Gone are the days of siloed social strategies. Today’s audience engages across multiple platforms, so you need a holistic view of your social media presence. 

Tracking social media performance across Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, YouTube, etc., reveals valuable insights into cross-platform reach, engagement trends, and audience overlap.
Many social media analytics tools offer dashboards that aggregate data from multiple platforms, allowing you to compare metrics side-by-side and identify platform-specific strengths and weaknesses.

Since each social media platform has its own format, trends, and user preferences, tailor your content and optimize your strategy for each platform’s unique characteristics.

4. Leverage audience insights

Knowing your audience is like having a roadmap to social media success. Without it, your measurement efforts are like throwing darts in the dark.

Uncover demographics like age, location, and interests, and dive deeper into behavior. For instance: 

  • What content do they engage with?
  • When’s your audience most active? 
  • What’s their purchase intent?
Example of follower insights

Segment your audience for tailored content and valuable insights. Divide them into groups with similar traits. This extra effort lets you:

  • Track campaign performance more effectively
  • Personalize your analytics dashboards
  • Craft social content that resonates

By understanding your target audience’s unique characteristics, you can measure the impact of your social media efforts with laser precision, maximizing your return on investment.

5. Embrace social listening 

Imagine yourself as a skilled detective, dissecting the online buzz surrounding your brand. Social listening tools like Keyhole act as your magnifying glass, tracking every mention, analyzing the sentiment, and even identifying the key influencers shaping the narrative. 

In other words, with social listening, there’s no more guessing what resonates with your audience — you’ll have a crystal-clear picture of what makes them tick.

Keyhole social listening

This goldmine of insights fuels content creation that sparks engagement. Forget generic social posts and forced trends — you’ll craft content tailored to your audience’s specific interests and pain points. 

Bonus Tip: Leverage AI-powered listening tools to uncover hidden trends and emerging topics before they hit the mainstream. Be the first to respond to new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

6. Social media benchmarking 

The social media landscape is dynamic, and staying ahead requires constant evaluation. 

Comparing your performance to industry standards and competitors isn’t just about follower count‌ — ‌it’s about understanding engagement, content formats, and even customer service response times.

You can use competitor analysis tools to track and compare your performance against industry leaders and see where you stack up in terms of follower growth, engagement, and reach.

Keyhole competitor analysis

But don’t stop there. Once you know how your competitors are performing (and what they do well), it’s essential to recognize the value of continuous learning and skill enhancement to build that economic moat. 

How? A well-rounded social media manager should understand analytics and grasp the fundamentals of sales and marketing. This understanding is crucial for creating content that resonates with the audience and drives social conversions. 

So, never stop learning. Watch videos. Attend webinars. Read online guides, blogs, and the best books on sales. These resources offer invaluable insights into consumer behavior, persuasive communication, and strategic thinking, all of which can be applied to refine measurement strategies on social media platforms. 

As a result, you can take more targeted and effective measurement approaches by integrating sales principles from your learning into your social media practices.

7. Social commerce

Social commerce is booming, making marketing on Instagram and TikTok a primordial approach since, nowadays, they can be considered online stores. 

So, as a social media manager, it’s your job to adjust how you measure success to track the impact on direct sales. 

In 2024, measuring social commerce success requires a data-driven approach, which extends to considering factors like social media management pricing to ensure cost-effective strategies that maximize revenue generation while tapping into the power of platforms like Instagram and TikTok as online stores. 

While traditional metrics like follower count and engagement remain valuable, they’re insufficient at tracking sales.

Instead, focus on metrics directly impacting your bottom line:

  • Checkout initiation rate: Track the percentage of users beginning the checkout process, identifying potential friction points in the buying journey.
  • Conversion rate: Track the percentage of users completing a purchase after viewing a product, the ultimate measure of social commerce success.
  • Add-to-carts: Measure the frequency of users adding products to their virtual carts, signifying purchase intent and a closer step to conversion.
  • Average order value: Analyze the average amount spent per purchase to understand customer behavior and optimize pricing strategies.
  • Product views: Track the number of times your products are displayed, indicating reach and potential interest.

By embracing a data-driven approach to social commerce measurement and optimizing your content for direct sales, you can transform your social media presence into a powerful revenue generator. 

So, tap into the power of social media to streamline the shopping experience and convert more scrolls into sales. 

8. Leverage automation and analytics tool

In 2024, as a social media marketer, you’ll be wearing many hats. Thus, you can embrace social media automation and analytics tools to streamline tasks and gain deeper insights. 

Schedule posts, track performance across social media channels, and generate automated reports, freeing up valuable time for strategic planning and audience engagement. 

Keyhole dashboard

Think of it as having a data-driven superpower that fuels informed decisions, leaving the repetitive tasks behind. Now, that’s what smart social media management is all about. 

Wrapping up

In 2024, the only constant with social media is change, where new platforms and algorithms emerge constantly. So, understanding the impact of your social media efforts is critical. 

One thing that worked in Q1 might not work in Q4. The only way to tell what’s working and what’s not is to pay close attention to the metrics we’ve outlined today. 

Remember, focusing solely on vanity metrics like likes and followers is no longer enough. Instead, prioritize metrics that directly align with your goals, whether it’s building brand loyalty, driving website traffic, or boosting conversions.

Leverage advanced analytics tools like Keyhole to uncover hidden insights, track competitor activity, and accurately measure your campaign’s ROI. Don’t be afraid to pivot, refine, and adapt your social media strategy based on actionable insights.

Want to unlock the power of data-driven social media success in 2024 and future campaigns with Keyhole? 

Author Bio

Joanne Camarce grows and strategizes B2B marketing and PR efforts @ codeless.io. She loves slaying outreach campaigns and connecting with brands like G2, Wordstream, Process Street, and others. When she’s not wearing her marketing hat, you’ll find Joanne admiring Japanese music and art or just being a dog mom.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is social media measurement?

Like checking your fitness tracker, it’s analyzing your performance on social channels to see what’s working and what’s not. It helps you understand if your efforts are achieving your goals.

2. What is a social media metric?

It’s a specific data point, like likes or shares, that reflects how people interact with your social media content. It’s like a mini-goal post marking your progress.

3. How do you track social media metrics?

Dive into native platform analytics or use dedicated social media tools. Monitor key metrics over time, compare them to goals, and see what’s working and what’s not.

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