9 Ways To Make Money On TikTok In 2024

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If you enjoy creating content and are considering how you can leverage it to be an additional income stream, you are in the right place. 

TikTok, with a 10.4 billion user base and innovative features, offers countless opportunities for creators like you to turn your passion into profit. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your current strategy, this guide is what you need. 

In this post, we curated 9 proven ways you can make money on TikTok. Complete with the steps and tools you need to use, you can get started after you finish this read. 

Let’s get right to it. 

3 Things you should know before you make money on TikTok

Before diving in and creating your first TikTok, you need to understand these 3 elements first.

1. Understand the platform & algorithm

TikTok is designed to showcase short, engaging videos to a wide audience based on their interests and interactions. The algorithm determines which videos to promote on users’ For You pages (FYP) based on factors like video quality, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and how well it fits with viewer preferences.

What you do:

  • Spend time on the app exploring different content types and trends to get a feel for what performs well.
  • Analyze successful content. Notice which videos gain traction—look at content types, styles, and messaging that resonate with viewers.
  • TikTok values authentic interactions. Engage with content you genuinely enjoy, leave meaningful comments, and participate in challenges to get more visible.

2. Build & engage your audience

This is about growing a group of people who really like what you share. You do this by posting content that they enjoy and interacting with them—like replying to comments and joining live sessions—to keep them interested and involved. When you build a strong connection with your audience, it sets the stage for opportunities to make money through partnerships.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Post consistently. Regularly share quality content that resonates with your target audience. Depending on how active your target audience is, you can post once or multiple times a day. 
  • Use trends & challenges. Join in popular challenges and trends to get seen more.
  • Make sure your bio and profile picture reflect your brand or content theme.
  • Interact with your followers, respond to comments and messages, and be sure to avoid generic replies.
  • Pose questions or create content that moves your audience to interact.
  • Host live sessions to directly engage with your audience and answer their questions.

3. Familiarize legal & ethical considerations

Knowing and following these guidelines helps you build a trustworthy reputation and avoid any problems as you grow your presence on TikTok.

Know the rules about what you can and can’t do including copyright laws—if you use someone else’s music or videos, you have to make sure you have permission. It’s also about being honest and respectful in your content, avoiding things like misleading people or promoting harmful behaviors. 

This will take you away from more pressing matters you need to address so this is better delegated to a marketing assistant who knows and has the resources to research the social media legal landscape better.

9 Proven ways to make money on TikTok in 2024

While exploring these proven methods, consider your skills, resources, and goals. Make notes on how to implement each strategy as a TikTok creator and decide which fits your goals and skills.

1. Create sponsored content for brands

When brands see that your content resonates with their target audience, they will reach out for collaborations and brand deals. This typically involves showcasing their products or services in your TikTok videos. You can either get paid to promote the brand or get complimentary products to feature.

In these partnerships, you need to be authentic, not sales-y. Your audience trusts your recommendations, so you need to keep your unique style and voice while integrating the brand’s message naturally. 

Here’s how to get started:

  • Optimize your profile: Use a high-quality, clear profile picture. Create an engaging bio (ex. “Fitness Enthusiast | Daily workouts & healthy recipes 🏋️🍏 | DM for collabs!”). Include contact info or a link-in-bio service for easy brand outreach.
  • Create high-quality content: Use TikTok’s editing tools, effects, and trending music. Plan content around trends and your niche (ex., makeup tutorials for beauty influencers).
  • Grow your audience: Respond to your followers’ comments, messages, and collect tips. Join in trending challenges and use popular hashtags. 
  • Identify potential brands & reach out: Research brands that align with your content and audience. Create a professional pitch highlighting your demographics, engagement rates, and best content. Explain how you can help the brand achieve its goals.
  • Use TikTok Creator Marketplace: Sign up to get discovered by brands looking for influencers in your niche and start influencer marketing.
  • Negotiate terms: Agree on deliverables, compensation, and deadlines. Understand the brand’s goals so you create content that resonates with their audience.
  • Create sponsored content: Develop authentic, creative content that naturally showcases the brand and publish sponsored posts. Use features like Duets, Hashtags, and Challenges to make it engaging.
  • Track performance: Monitor your sponsored content using TikTok’s analytics tools. Share insights with the brand to show the value of what you do and refine content for future collaborations. 
  • Be transparent. Let your followers know if the content is sponsored.
How to make money on tiktok - be transparent on sponsored content

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2. Collaborate with other influencers

This joint effort allows you to tap into each other’s follower bases, exposing your content to new audiences who share similar interests. It’s a mutual benefit where both you and your partner influencer get more visible and credible within your communities.

For example, Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, two of TikTok’s biggest stars, always collaborate on content. They appear in each other’s videos, join in dance challenges together, and tag each other in posts. This strengthened their individual brands but also made them more visible and credible to a larger crowd within the TikTok community.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Find compatible influencers. Look for influencers whose content aligns well with yours and whose audience would likely appreciate your content.
  • Discuss collaboration ideas. Reach out to potential collaborators with clear ideas for how you can work together. This could include duets, challenges, or themed content that showcases both of your strengths.
  • Plan and create the content. Coordinate with your collaborator on content ideas, make sure they align with both of your brands and resonate with your combined audience.
  • Promote each other’s content. Once the collaboration is live, actively promote the content on both of your TikTok profiles. Encourage your followers to check out your collaborator’s profile and vice versa.

3. Host paid events or workshops

This involves offering exclusive sessions to your TikTok followers for a fee. These sessions can range from educational workshops to live Q&A sessions or even virtual meet-and-greets. It’s a way for your audience to directly gain valuable insights or experiences from you, all while you earn income for sharing your knowledge or skills.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Select a topic or theme that aligns with your expertise and interests your audience. You can use Google Analytics to figure out the best topics to discuss. This could be anything from tutorials on specific skills to discussions on niche topics within your industry.
  • Decide on a platform for registration and payment like TikTok’s own features, external ticketing services, or payment platforms. Outline what participants will gain from attending and set a fair price.
  • Structure your event or workshop with clear objectives and a schedule. Prepare engaging content, visuals, and any necessary materials to deliver a valuable and actionable experience.
  • Use TikTok and other social media channels to promote your event. Create teaser videos, share testimonials, and leverage influencers or collaborators to reach a wider audience.
  • On the day of the event, engage participants actively. Encourage interaction using polls, Q&A sessions, and live chat features. Give them opportunities to network or do a one-on-one interaction, depending on the format.
  • After the event, gather feedback from participants, and use it to improve future workshops. Consider offering recordings or additional resources to attendees as a value-add.
how to make money on tiktok - host events

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4. Crowdfunding & subscription models

This involves raising funds from your audience to support your creative projects or content creation efforts. Subscription models, on the other hand, offer exclusive content or perks to subscribers who pay a recurring fee. Both methods let you directly monetize your TikTok presence while you build a community of supporters who value your content.

For example, Hank Green, a well-known educator and content creator, used Patreon to fund his creative projects. He offered exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, and personalized interactions to build a strong community of supporters who value his contributions to education and entertainment. Green’s Patreon subscribers gain access to content that isn’t available to the general public. It created a sense of exclusivity and a deeper connection with his audience.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Decide on a crowdfunding platform like Patreon or Ko-fi for subscriptions, or use TikTok’s features like TikTok Coins or the upcoming subscription service to set up recurring payments.
  • Clearly define what supporters will get in return for their contributions or subscriptions. This could include exclusive behind-the-scenes content, personalized shoutouts, early access to videos, or exclusive merchandise.
  • Use TikTok and other social media channels to promote your crowdfunding or subscription campaign. Create compelling videos explaining why support is important and what benefits supporters will get.
  • Interact with your supporters, show that you appreciate their contributions, respond to comments, and fulfill any promises you made about the exclusive content or perks.
  • Update them regularly with exclusive content, insights, or experiences that reinforce their decision to support you. Ideally, you should post daily to stay top of mind but if that requires too much work on your part, you can opt for 2x or 3x per week as long as you interact with your audience daily.

5. Merchandise sales

This involves creating and promoting products that resonate with your TikTok audience. These can range from branded apparel and accessories to digital products like stickers or artwork. It’s a way to offer fans something tangible that reflects your brand while generating income.

For example, David Dobrik expanded his brand by launching the “David’s Disposable” camera app and a line of associated merchandise. The app mimics the feel of a disposable camera, which resonates with his audience’s love for nostalgic and candid photos. 

how to make money on tiktok - merchandise sales

Dobrik also released branded apparel and accessories that align with the vintage, carefree vibe of the product. His followers loved the merchandise, which helped him generate significant income while making his connection with his fan base stronger.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Design your merchandise. Create merchandise that aligns with your brand and appeals to your audience. Consider using platforms like Printful or Teespring to design and produce items without upfront costs.
  • Set up a TikTok shop to showcase and sell your merchandise.
  • Use TikTok to showcase your merchandise using engaging videos that highlight features, benefits, and how your audience can purchase.
  • Make people excited to buy by offering limited-time discounts, bundle deals, or exclusive merchandise drops. Create a sense of urgency to drive purchases.
  • Respond to inquiries promptly (less than 12 hours if possible) and address feedback. Encourage customers to share their purchases and tag your TikTok account.

6. Sell shoutouts

Selling shoutouts involves promoting another user, brand, or product on your TikTok account. This can range from a brief mention in a video to a dedicated post highlighting their message or product. 

Josh Richards creates content that seamlessly integrates the brand’s message into his usual style, making the promotion feel natural and engaging. He collaborated with Amazon to promote their Glow app, a product designed to enhance remote learning for kids. In his TikTok videos, Josh integrated the promotion by showing how the app can be used in a fun, engaging way that fits his usual content style. 

how to make money on tiktok - sell shoutouts

He created a video where he interacted with the app, highlighting its features while keeping the tone light and entertaining, which resonated well with his young audience. This helped Amazon reach a broader audience, driving interest and downloads for the Glow app, all while Josh maintained his authentic style and connection with his followers.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Define your shoutout offer. Decide on the types of shoutouts you will offer–mentions in videos, dedicated posts, or reviews. Determine your pricing based on your TikTok account’s reach and engagement. As an idea, charge $50-$200 for micro-influencers, $200-$1,000 for mid-level influencers, and $1,000-$10,000 or more for top-level influencers.
  • Identify businesses or individuals that align with your audience. Approach them with a clear proposal outlining what you can offer and the benefits of collaborating with you.
  • Create compelling shoutout content. Craft engaging content that seamlessly integrates the shoutout into your TikTok videos. Make sure that the shoutout aligns with your usual content style and is actionable to your audience.
  • Promote your shoutout service using TikTok and other social media platforms. Showcase examples of previous shoutouts and highlight the results you achieved for clients.
  • When delivering shoutouts, make sure to stay authentic and enthusiastic. Communicate the key message or call-to-action the client provided while keeping your audience’s interests in mind.
How to make money on tiktok - Shoutout Types

7. Offer consultation services

This involves offering one-on-one or group sessions where you share specialized knowledge, guidance, or advice with clients. It’s a direct way to leverage your expertise and help others achieve their goals or solve specific challenges. 

Here’s how to get started:

  • Identify your area of expertise and the specific topics you can provide consultation on. This could be anything from business strategy and marketing to personal finance or fitness coaching.
  • Set consultation fees based on your experience, market demand, and the value of your advice. Consultation fees can range from $50-$150/hour for micro-consultants, $150-$300/hour for mid-level consultants, and $300-$1,000/hour for top-level consultants. You can offer packages or hourly rates, depending on how complex or long the sessions are.
  • Create clear service packages outlining what clients will receive during consultations. Include session length, deliverables, and any additional resources or follow-up support.
  • Create informative videos showcasing your expertise and the benefits of working with you. Share client testimonials or success stories to build your credibility.
  • Make it easy for clients to book consultations with you. Use scheduling tools or direct messaging to manage inquiries and secure appointments efficiently.
  • During consultations, provide personalized advice tailored to each client’s needs. Focus on delivering actionable insights and solutions that help clients achieve their objectives or overcome challenges.

8. Sell digital products & promote your services

This involves developing downloadable resources like e-books, online courses, templates, digital artwork, or even reselling products that cater to your audience’s needs or interests. Selling these products generates passive income for you. 

You can also use TikTok to drive more traction to your main offer. Here’s my favorite example from Prosple where they leveraged street interviews, memes, and other types of trending content to promote their internship platform. 

How to make money on tiktok - prosple

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Here’s how to get started:

  • Identify your audience’s needs, identify pain points, or topics they’re interested in. This will help you create digital products that resonate with them.
  • Decide on the type of digital product you want to create: e-book, video course, printable templates, or exclusive content bundles. 
  • Develop your digital product with quality in mind. Use professional tools and software to design, write, or record content that meets industry standards and exceeds audience expectations.
  • Sell your digital products on TikTok shop, Gumroad, Teachable, or Shopify. Customize your storefront to reflect your brand and optimize for user experience.
  • Promote your digital products using creative teaser videos, tutorials, or testimonials that highlight the benefits and features of your products. Encourage viewers to visit your sales platform.
  • Offer responsive customer support to address inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and ensure a positive experience for buyers. Consider creating a FAQ page or community forum for ongoing support.

9. TikTok Creativity Program

A TikTok Creativity Program involves organizing challenges, workshops, or mentorship sessions to inspire creativity among your audience. It inspires active participation, showcases talent, and potentially generates revenue.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Define program objectives, whether it’s to inspire creativity, engage your community, attract sponsors, or generate revenue through branded content.
  • Create engaging and relevant challenges that align with your brand and appeal to your audience. Consider themes, rules, and incentives (ex. prizes or recognition) to encourage users to participate.
  • Plan virtual workshops or mentorship sessions where you share creative techniques, tips, or industry insights with participants. Offer interactive elements like Q&A sessions or live demonstrations.
  • Secure sponsorship or partnerships. Reach out to brands or organizations interested in sponsoring your program. Collaborate on challenge prizes, workshop materials, or promotional efforts in exchange for visibility or product placement.
  • Use TikTok to promote your creativity program. Create teaser videos, announcements, or behind-the-scenes content to build anticipation.
  • Actively engage with participants by liking, sharing, and commenting on their submissions. Provide constructive feedback and recognize outstanding creativity to foster a positive community spirit.

Top 3 successful TikTok creators you can learn from 

To make methods easier to apply, consider these examples and identify actionable points you can make. 

1. @iamtabithabrown

How to make money on tiktok - tabitha brown

Tabitha Brown is known for her vegan cooking videos, where she shares recipes and lifestyle tips promoting a vegan diet. She earns from sponsored content with food and lifestyle brands, cookbook sales, and partnerships with health and wellness companies.

What you can apply:

  • Emphasize personal stories and experiences about your niche.
  • Respond to comments and engage with followers through live cooking sessions or Q&A.
  • Partner with vegan food brands for sponsored videos or promote affiliate products related to vegan lifestyle.

2. @AustinMakesStuff

Austin makes DIY woodworking and home improvement videos, showcasing projects from small crafts to home renovations. He uses TikTok as the gateway to his more in-depth YouTube videos where he monetizes through sponsored tool reviews, selling woodworking plans and courses, and brand partnerships with home improvement retailers.

how to make money on tiktok - austin makes stuff

What you can apply:

  • Focus on detailed tutorials and project showcases to inspire viewers.
  • Create a community around woodworking with challenges, shoutouts, and collaboration opportunities.
  • Offer plans for sale, promote tools and materials used in your projects, and explore partnerships with home improvement brands.

3. @FitMenCook

Kevin Curry, known as FitMenCook, shares healthy recipes and meal prep tips aimed at fitness enthusiasts and those looking to eat healthier. He monetizes through sponsored content with food and fitness brands, cookbook sales, and partnerships with health and nutrition companies.

how to make money on tiktok - fit men cook

What you can apply:

  • Provide nutritional information and fitness tips along with recipes.
  • Use polls, challenges, and live cooking sessions to interact with followers.
  • Partner with fitness brands for product placements or promote affiliate products related to health and nutrition.

Bonus: Track Your TikTok Analytics with Keyhole

Keyhole provides you with the needed tools to track TikTok analytics. Using TikTok’s API, we offer real-time monitoring of crucial indicators–likes, comments, shares, and follower growth trends. 

Keyhole can also help you:

  • Assess your TikTok page to find areas you can improve on
  • Analyze hashtags to target what’s currently trending
  • Identify the best times to post your content
  • Know the best-performing content you can boost or replicate 
  • Spot gaps in your strategies

For example, when analyzing engagement levels, Keyhole can reveal which content types and hashtags drive the most interactions. With this, you can refine your approach, focusing on what works best to enhance engagement and reach. 

Additionally, Keyhole’s competitive analysis features help benchmark your performance against industry competitors so you can uncover opportunities for growth and strategic partnerships.

In particular, the TikTok analytics tool from Keyhole gives users all the tools that TikTok provides in-app, plus much more:

  • Track hashtags by engagement, ensuring you don’t miss a valuable trending opportunity. 
  • Seamlessly identify top posts in seconds and view the full report of your company’s performance. 
  • Receive recommendations catered to your company profile that will help you grow your TikTok following and get new interactions with each post. 
  • Identify which trends worked for your company so you have a framework for future campaigns.

… and more!


You don’t have to implement everything all at once. Start with the easiest, the strategy where you already have the resources needed, and go from there. As you grow your audience, applying the other strategies will be much easier. 

Of course, growing your audience starts by knowing who they really are. Keyhole will help you do just that. We will give you the latest insight on your audience, competitors, and trends. See how you can leverage this today.

Author Bio

Christian Cabaluna is an SEO content writer with 5+ years of first-hand experience. When he isn’t writing in his favorite coffee shop, Christian enjoys reading (especially about psychology and neuroscience), cooking, watching documentaries, camping in the mountains, and catching beautiful sunsets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does TikTok pay per 1000 views?

TikTok does not directly pay creators per view. Instead, you can make money through brand partnerships, sponsored content, and TikTok's Creator Fund, which pays based on engagement metrics.

2. How much do small TikTokers make?

Small TikTokers with a few thousand followers typically earn from brand deals ranging between $20 to $200 per post, depending on engagement and niche.

3. How many views do you need on TikTok to get paid?

There's no set number of views to get paid on TikTok. Creators usually monetize their content through brand partnerships and the TikTok Creator Fund, which requires eligibility based on followers and engagement.

4. How much do beginners make on TikTok?

Beginners on TikTok can earn from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars per month, starting with smaller brand collaborations and building up as their following and engagement grow.

5. Can you make money on TikTok without followers?

Yes, you can make money on TikTok without a large following when you create engaging content that attracts sponsorships and by participating in TikTok's Creator Fund, which focuses on content quality and engagement metrics rather than follower count.

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