How The Infinite Agency Uses Keyhole To Run ‘Real-Time Marketing’ & Predict Campaign Success

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Freddy Duran is the Social Media Director at The Infinite Agency, a cutting-edge, data-driven creative agency based in Dallas, Texas.

A strong advocate for the power of social media analytics, Freddy gives us his expert insight into *why* it is so crucial to use data to optimize social media campaigns at every stage, and how it helps to reach the right people with the right message at the right time.

“Anything that is not data backed, to me, is guesswork.”

Freddy Duran

In this article, Freddy focuses on how Predictive Analytics help you determine campaign success and pivot when needed. He also explores the concept of “real-time marketing”, using social media analytics to optimize campaigns as they run.

Predicting Campaign Success

One of The Infinite Agency’s Award-Winning campaigns ˄

One of the benefits of using social media analytics tools like Keyhole is predictive power, and “Predictions” is a feature that sets us apart.

GIF illustrating 'Predictions' tool being toggled on Keyhole

After just 7 days of tracking an active #campaign with Keyhole, you can predict campaign performance for the next 30 days.

I mean, I used to do these projections by hand and the methodology is the same, based on historical data by x amount of time, but the fact that you guys are including it in your dashboard is amazing.”

How does this work?: Our algorithm will learn key metrics about your campaign’s performance such as the number of posts and average engagements, and will then project those numbers based on its current status.

“Back in the day (and when I say that, I mean like 2-3 years ago) marketers had to know the algorithms and formulas to calculate these things by hand. Saving time by not doing these things by hand, and knowing that you still have accurate information is very valuable.”

Being able to predict campaign performance helps you know if your campaign is already set to get the traction you are hoping for, or if you need to be more proactive with your outreach to hit your goals before it’s too late.

Image of a Hashtag Tracker dashboard 'Predicting' campaign performance for the next 30 days

“In my personal experience with advertising, I have dealt with many tools. But Keyhole is the only one that is incredibly easy to use, and right off the bat I was blown away that you have built-in campaign performance predictions. That is something that I haven’t seen anywhere else.

Optimize Campaigns with Real-Time Marketing

Image of Infinite Agency campaign- 3 People Popping Confetti Balloons

“I’m seeing it a whole lot lately that clients ask: ‘How can we do social listening better?’, ‘How can we be more reactive to what’s going on right now?’. Real-time trackers like Keyhole help you know how people are feeling about and talking about your brand in real time. This means that we can have real-time marketing from a brand perspective and make it reactionary.”

Image showing a Sentiment score of 98
This sentiment score from one of the Agency’s campaigns indicates healthy overall brand sentiment.

Real-time marketing entails tracking conversations as they happen on social media, and reacting to both positive and negative conversations in a way that benefits your overall marketing strategy.

For Example:

Positive posts can be shared as social proof, and you can chime in on trending topics during spikes of activity to amplify your message.

Negative Posts can be addressed right away and mediated in order to prevent a change in your brand sentiment.

This approach helps Freddy and his team optimize campaigns during their entire run.

“My life would be terrible without social media analytics tools. Being able to look at a tool like Keyhole is incredibly important because it gives you a look at not only what a brand is doing right but also how people are responding to it.

Being able to assess how audiences are feeling is the end game. Advertisement is based on happiness and persuasion, and if you can determine how people are reacting to things or how they’re talking about it, that gives you good insights into what you should do as an advertiser or a marketer, and you guys take away a lot of the guesswork in that.”

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