Twitter Historical Data Tool

Get Twitter Historical Data Reports Without The Hassle of Monthly Subscriptions

Discover hidden insights from Twitter trends and conversations without spending hours on manual research.

Export any #hashtags, keywords, or @mentions in the history of Twitter with Keyhole’s historical data tool.

No Keyhole account or subscription required!

Social Media Publishing & Scheduling Keyhole

What's Included in a Twitter Historical Data Report?

Keyhole’s historical data reports are delivered within 1 business day and contain all the numbers you data you need to see, including total posts, users, impressions, and influencers.

  • Timeline of Total number of posts, reach, and impressions per hour
  • Top posts matching your search terms
  • Top influencers who shared posts matching your terms
  • Most linked-to domains and URLs in these posts
  • Top countries people tweeted from

Historical reports are delivered via email within one business day in .xls and .pdf format.

Flexible Report Pricing

An automatic quote and processing time will be generated before confirming payment. Historical data requests are a one-time cost that is liable for a single report.

The price of a Historical Report starts at $50 USD and depends on the number of historical tweet IDs your search will query.

Historical Data reports cannot be refunded.

Get Answers To Historical Twitter Data Questions Without Any Guesswork

How did our brand's presence on Twitter evolve over time?

What were the peak times and days for engagement on Twitter in the past?

What’s increased the engagement & reach of our competitors?

Which past events or campaigns generated the most buzz and engagement on Twitter?

No Keyhole account or subscription required!

Analyze past Twitter trends to strategize your future campaigns

Maximize your campaign’s impact and engagement with data-driven decisions based on historical data analysis.

Identify the most influential tweets, hashtag movements, and previous conversations about your brand.

Understand what worked for your competitors in the past

Analyze your competitors’ successful campaigns to inform and improve your own Twitter marketing approach. Get insights on their audience location, sentiment score & brand advocates.

Identify the top industry influencers for your audience

Make the most of Twitter’s historical data to identify and engage with industry influencers.

Get insights on influencers’ followers & average engagement metrics, allowing you to strategically connect with them for future influencer campaigns.