Monthly Marketing Metrics Calendar Template


📈 Monthly Marketing Metrics Calendar Template 📈
Great share for Business Owners!

Do you know how much money your big competitors are investing on their marketing efforts?

$1K? $10K? $100K? Maybe more?

How are you expected to compete with other companies with an unlimited marketing budget?

It’s hard. But it can be done!

Having clear KPIs and tracking the progress towards those goals with selected marketing metrics is HUGE.

Doing that will help you understand what impact marketing has, and to help you measure if your in the right track.

If you are not, you can quickly adjust until you get it right.

This template i’m sharing with you will help you do exactly that.

With it you can track the following metrics:
✅ Conversion Rates
✅ Media Reach
✅ Generated Customers
✅ Generated Leads
✅ Generated Web Visits

Be able to easily create a monthly report and identify which channels are producing the best results.

Check your progress and build on your success.

Would you like a copy? 🤔