Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring Made More Simple and More Granular.

Track across millions of news, blogs and forum sites to spot every media mention of your brand or keyword and capitalize on every opportunity.


We Saw You On The News

We all love to hear that. If it’s good news and we knew about it.

Stay ahead of what others are saying on news, blog and forum sites to stay ahead of media monitoring and never miss a single important article.

We saw you on the news

75 Million Websites

We mention that because, well, it’s a lot. Keyhole’s advanced Media Monitoring means we listen to millions of pages in real-time.

Yes, we track Reddit, Quora, and a lot more!

75M websites

Media Monitoring with the Full Power of Keyhole

Your social media and media mentions can be in one place. And that place is called Keyhole.

Plus, with hashtag and keyword tracking across all platforms, you can uncover just as much about what people are saying on news, blogs and forums as you always have about what they’re saying on social media.

Media Monitoring