Free Hashtag Analytics

Accurate metrics and real-time reports for hashtags

Access free hashtag analytics insights for your marketing campaigns – conduct a deep dive into hashtag campaign performance. 

Tracking and identifying relevant hashtags can be difficult. Let us do the work for you and simplify the process. 

Try it now!

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Real-Time Campaign Tracking

Free hashtag analytics? Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that?

Real-time campaign analytics give you insights into how a campaign or influencer is performing. 

Trackable metrics that contribute to the overall success of your campaign include: 

  • Social media metrics (such as reach, engagement rate, and more!)
  • Stories metrics
  • Hashtag insights
  • Influencer insights
Hashtag Analytics Real Time Data

Keep Tabs on Influencer Performance

No need to individually check on each influencer you’re working with. 

Free influencer tracking can tell you how your influencers are doing in regards to posts and stories.

Compare influencers

Show Off Results with Customizable Reporting

Creating dashboards and reports can be time consuming and tedious. Be concise and share your successes efficiently, with our easy to export customizable reports in PDF and XLS formats.

Custom_reports - Social Media Analytics - Keyhole