Stay ahead of the conversation with Keyhole

Find out what people say about your brand, monitor trends, and stay ahead of your competitors.

No credit card required

Tap into your audience,
competitors, or trends

Listen to conversations about your brand, uncover trends,
and monitor competitors on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
TikTok, YouTube, and more.

Know what conversations are happening 

Know what people say about your brand, products, and competitors. Tune into the global conversation, ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

Spot what’s trending ​

Spot trends with Keyhole. Monitor competitors, industry leaders, and opportunities to ensure your brand remains agile and relevant. 

Deep audience insights like never before

Discover your audience’s heartbeat—what engages them and what content strikes a chord. Effortlessly gauge sentiment and brand perception, without having to manually dig through data.

Source and measure influencers in one place 

Unlock the power of connection with Keyhole. Monitor influencers to amplify your brand and level up your campaigns. With Keyhole, missing a post or a brand ally becomes a thing of the past.

Hear it from our customers.

Success Story

How the USTA is Leveraging Social Media to Reach the Next Generation of Tennis Players

Success Story

Why Reuters Reporter Melissa Fares Turns to Keyhole to Craft Data-Driven Stories

Success Story

How PROJECT 375 Uses Keyhole to Track the Conversation Around Mental Health


Social media listening involves tracking your brand mentions, relevant keywords, and hashtags to deeply understand public sentiment and themes around your brand. This method analyzes emotional responses and long-term trends, aiding in strategic decisions and reputation management.

While social media monitoring focuses on tracking specific mentions and content, social listening provides a broader view, analyzing extensive conversation trends and public sentiments. This deeper insight allows for proactive strategic adjustments.

Keyhole transforms social media listening into an opportunity to truly understand and engage with your customers’ sentiments. By addressing feedback in real-time, you can improve experiences and refine offerings, turning passive observers into active brand advocates.

Absolutely! Keyhole lets you track and compare your social media performance against your competitors, giving you insights into share of voice, engagement, and content strategies through a comprehensive dashboard.

Keyhole accesses a variety of historical data across platforms, including Twitter data from as early as 2015 and Instagram content from the past 24 hours. Facebook Page metrics and YouTube insights are available up to 90 days back.

Keyhole supports a wide array of platforms for social listening, including Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, as well as news sites, blogs, and forums.

Yes, Keyhole’s advanced tracking capabilities allow you to monitor specific hashtags and keywords effectively, helping you gather precise and relevant data.